Although you will find THP Senior Adults involved with virtually every ministry at The Healing Place, we do come together to provide opportunities for fellowship and spiritual enrichment.
Our Legacy Class on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Cafe consists of seasoned adults studying the Bible together before morning worship. This is a very relaxed and informal setting, celebrating the awesomeness of God’s Word and His unending faithfulness to those who follow it.
Our Young At Heart Group meets for food, fun, fellowship, and spiritual enrichment twice per month with meetings on and off campus with additional fun trips during the course of the year. Other special events include joining with other Senior Adults in our State and National Talent competitions within the Church of God.
THP Senior Adults’ focus is to provide opportunities to utilize the wisdom, experience, and understanding gained through the years to aid in outreach, mentoring, and spiritual growth across the generations.
If you are chronologically gifted and want to connect with the wonderful senior adults, please contact Pastor Anthony Bellew.
Our Legacy Class on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Cafe consists of seasoned adults studying the Bible together before morning worship. This is a very relaxed and informal setting, celebrating the awesomeness of God’s Word and His unending faithfulness to those who follow it.
Our Young At Heart Group meets for food, fun, fellowship, and spiritual enrichment twice per month with meetings on and off campus with additional fun trips during the course of the year. Other special events include joining with other Senior Adults in our State and National Talent competitions within the Church of God.
THP Senior Adults’ focus is to provide opportunities to utilize the wisdom, experience, and understanding gained through the years to aid in outreach, mentoring, and spiritual growth across the generations.
If you are chronologically gifted and want to connect with the wonderful senior adults, please contact Pastor Anthony Bellew.